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projects: Text


Leverett Library Theatre February 2019
Director, Choreographer

A dance performance inspired by Anna Antongiorgi's English creative thesis in poetry, a collection of short poems on the themes of physicality, anatomy, and dance. In this performance, the poetry and choreography were meant to complement each other as the evening worked its way through the issue of living, leaving, feeling and moving in a human body, and all the highs and lows that accompany seeing the world through this lens.

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The Loeb Mainstage November 2018

The Harvard Ballet Company celebrated its 25th anniversary season with on quarter, an original work that tackled the experience of performers on Harvard’s campus, finding a place to call home in an unfamiliar environment, and the community that artistic creation provides for so many. Presenting pieces inspired by HBC’s traditions and elements often hidden by backstage, on quarter questioned who and where performance can occur. Student and alumni choreographers created an immersive theatre work alongside a live concert of Gershwin piano that celebrated the home HBC has been for the past 25 years, while also investigating both our and the audience’s identity as dancers, students, friends, and artists.


The Harvard Ballet Company on the Loeb Mainstage Fall 2018
Director, Choreographer

A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away... the Pops Orchestra and Ballet Company combined forces to produce a collaboration of astronomical proportions. The production explores our fascination with outer space, and the conflicting feelings of paralysis and excitement that come with it. Featuring iconic space-inspired music spanning the classical, film, and popular musical canons, and starring some of this campus' most talented dancers, we have created a multi-media performance that will blow you out of this world.

projects: Services
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